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Tubular provides .NET Framework and .NET Core Library to create REST service to use with Tubular Angular Components easily with any WebApi library (ASP.NET Web API for example).
Please visit the Tubular GitHub Page to learn how quickly you can start coding. See Related projects below to discover more Tubular libraries and backend solutions.
PM> Install-Package Tubular.ServerSide
Global Settings
You can access global settings by using the static object TubularDefaultSettings
and setup common behavior in Tubular. The settings included are:
Setting | Default value | Notes |
AdjustTimezoneOffset | True | Determines if the DateTime from a Response should adjust the timezone offset send by within the Request. |
Building C# Library
To build the solution you need VS2017 with .NET Core support.
You can check out the Tubular GitHub Page to get a few examples. We still need to work on more samples and better documentation, but we feel what we have now will get you up to speed very quickly :).
The following snippet shows how to use Tubular Helper to create a basic response grid using Entity Framework and ASP.NET Web API.
public class UsersController : ApiController
[HttpPost, Route("paged")]
public IHttpActionResult GridData([FromBody] GridDataRequest request)
using (var context = new SampleDbContext(false)) {
return Ok(request.CreateGridDataResponse(context.SystemUsers));
Related Projects
Name | Type | Language/tech | Description |
Tubular for AngularJS (formerly Tubular) | Library | AngularJs | Tubular provides a set of directives and services using AngularJS as framework. |
Tubular for Angular6 (formerly Tubular2) | Library | Angular6 | New Tubular2 with Angular6 (Angular2) and Angular Material 2. |
Tubular React | Library | React | Tubular-React is a DataGrid component using Material-UI |
Tubular Common | Library | Javascript/Typescript | Tubular Common provides TypeScript and Javascript models and data transformer to use any Tubular DataGrid component with an array of Javascript objects. |
Tubular Dotnet | Backend library | C#/.NET Core | Tubular provides .NET Framework and .NET Core Library to create REST service to use with Tubular Angular Components easily with any WebApi library (ASP.NET Web API for example). |
Tubular Nodejs | Backend Library | Javascript | Tubular Node.js provides an easy way to integrate Tubular Angular Components easily with any Node.js WebApi library. |
Tubular Boilerplate C# | Boilerplate | C# | Tubular Directives Boilerplate (includes AngularJS and Bootstrap) |
Tubular Boilerplate | Boilerplate | Javascript/AngularJS | Tubular Directives Boilerplate (includes AngularJS and Bootstrap). |