Swan's areas

SWAN: Stuff We All Need
Swan is a collection of classes and extension methods that Unosquare and other developers have developed and evolved over the years. We found ourselves copying and pasting the same code for every project. We decided to kill that Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V cycle once and for all and Swan is the result.
Swan ASP.NET Core 2.2
Set of libraries to use with ASP.NET Core 2.2 applications. Also, includes a configure middleware and extension to setup your project. ASP.NET Core 2.2 came with a lot of changes, including authentication and authorization, Swan ASP.NET Core 2.2 is easy to configure and start working on your project.
SWAN LDAP Client was previously included as part of the main SWAN project, but since there is not too many products using an LDAP Client, we removed as a standalone library. Quickly connect and authenticate to your Active Directory in a secure, reliable and easy way.